Abolish Senior Designation
Abolish Senior Designation Mathews J Nedumpara President, NLC 28.02.2023 It is hearting to note that a large number of ...Who becomes the Chief Justice of India?
Who becomes the Chief Justice of India? Mathews J Nedumpara 15.10.2022. Till the recent past, this had been the concern ...Loot the Adanis and Ambanis if you have to, but spare the taxpayers- A request ...
Loot the Adanis and Ambanis if you have to, but spare the taxpayers- A request to Mr. Fali Nariman Mathews ...Judgements of the Supreme Court are no law of the land but only precedents, binding ...
Judgements of the Supreme Court are no law of the land but only precedents, binding only if it is not ...Are not the civil courts the real ‘constitutional courts’?
Are not the civil courts the real ‘constitutional courts’? – Mathews J Nedumpara 1st July 2020 98205 35428 In the ...National Lawyers’ Campaign For Judicial Transparency And Reforms : Objectives
National Lawyers’ Campaign For Judicial Transparency And Reforms31.3.2014 Objectives 1) Abolition of Collegium system of appointment and transfer of judges ...