An appeal to the Honourable Chief Justice of India and Companion Judges
An appeal to the Honourable Chief Justice of India and Companion Judges Mathews J Nedumpara 29.08.2023 98205 35428 The ...Don’t dismiss SLPs of common man in ” 93 seconds” to hear PILs of ...
Don’t dismiss SLPs of common man in ” 93 seconds” to hear PILs of celebrity lawyers for days and weeks, ...PIL is antithetical to the Principles of natural justice
PIL is antithetical to the Principles of natural justice Mathews J Nedumpara 98205 35428 26th July 2023 The Supreme Court ...The need to bring an end to the out of turn hearing of cases of ...
Hon’ble Shri Nitin Jamdar Acting Chief Justice, High Court of Bombay May it please your Lordship, Sub: The need to ...The need to bring an end to the out of turn hearing of cases of ...
Mathews J Nedumpara 24th July 2023 Hon’ble Shri Nitin Jamdar Acting Chief Justice, High Court of Bombay May it please ...Abolish Senior Designation
Abolish Senior Designation Mathews J Nedumpara President, NLC 28.02.2023 It is hearting to note that a large number of ...Collegium, a fraud on the Constitution.
Collegium, a fraud on the Constitution. Mathews J Nedumpara President, NLC 24.11.2022. The judges of the SCI are appointed by ...Who becomes the Chief Justice of India?
Who becomes the Chief Justice of India? Mathews J Nedumpara 15.10.2022. Till the recent past, this had been the concern ...Loot the Adanis and Ambanis if you have to, but spare the taxpayers- A request ...
Loot the Adanis and Ambanis if you have to, but spare the taxpayers- A request to Mr. Fali Nariman Mathews ...