1. Review of the NJAC case 2. Dismantling of the collegium 3. Audience ...
29 April 2018 To, Hon’ble Sri Narendra Modi,The Prime Minister of IndiaRoom No. 246, South Block,Raisina Hills, New Delhi Hon’ble ...Has not Article 137 of the constitution providing for review become otiose, so too, the ...
20.8.2021 Has not Article 137 of the constitution providing for review become otiose, so too, the curative jurisprudence created through ...Jurisprudence of ‘face value’ – High Court of Kerala is an exception
JURISPRUDENCE OF ‘FACE VALUE’ –HIGH COURT OF KERALA IS AN EXCEPTION“No army can stop an idea whose time has come”
27.3.2020 The order of Justice Nariman of the Supreme Court banning me from practicing in the Supreme Court which had ...Court Mandated Capture of the Churches of the Jacobite Christians- Who Is At Fault?
1. Kerala, today, faces the curious scenario of the High Court ordering forceful takeover of the churches of the Syrian ...“Lord, forgive them for they know not what they do”, adieu Justice Nariman”
11.08.2021 The common citizens, particularly, the informed section, are proud that we have one of the best and most comprehensive ...Syrian Jacobite Christians of Kerala had to suffer injustice only because eminent lawyers who conducted ...
Synopsis The Petitioners are constrained to file this review, sadly, only because this Honble court, the Petitioners beg to submit with ...Ignorance is not always a bliss
Prashant Bhushan’s opinion (on Modi government’s alleged writing off bad loans of big companies) is wholly faulty and is based ...Pray for our country
Except a few, very few, all the SC and HC judges owe their office to their families and connections. Office ...